Why is it that nobody told me I should try grabbing and holdings things before? You would think my two worthless lumps of editor/parents might have mentioned this. You can grab stuff, and shake it around, and even, if you are REALLY lucky, stuff it in your mouth!!! Whoo Hoo! Here I am playing with one of my favorites, the whozit, which not only has may surfaces on which to grab, but also has a hidden mirror for me to admire that handsome baby that seems to follow me around to reflective surfaces. I bet the inventor of this made a MILLION DOLLARS!
Welcome to Connor's State of Grace, the new evolution of Connor's Corner, covering the ongoing adventures of Connor and his new baby sister Grace, the mystifying lack of satisfying ethnic food in Grand Rapids, MI and, as always, how awesome breast milk tastes.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
It's a whozit!
Why is it that nobody told me I should try grabbing and holdings things before? You would think my two worthless lumps of editor/parents might have mentioned this. You can grab stuff, and shake it around, and even, if you are REALLY lucky, stuff it in your mouth!!! Whoo Hoo! Here I am playing with one of my favorites, the whozit, which not only has may surfaces on which to grab, but also has a hidden mirror for me to admire that handsome baby that seems to follow me around to reflective surfaces. I bet the inventor of this made a MILLION DOLLARS!
Whacho Lookin At?
That's right, even with my wuss of a dad trying to get all cutesy with me (seriously dad, more flannel?), you can't deny you wouldn't wanna mess with this kid! That's right, my sweatshirt is from the tough part of Brooklyn, not the one where all those hipsters live, but the one where they have all the Gap stores, where this sweatshirt is from. Dang. And that paw print is from a real live Mountain Lion, who I then skinned and turned into this hat. And I was also wearing socks.
Downward dog
Once a week, Mom and I go to yoga. I haven't quite mastered the downward dog pose yet, so I was practicing a bit at home before class. Hey, if your butt was this big and was wrapped in this much cloth, you would have trouble lifting it above your head too!
How jealous of my all-waffle one piece outfit are you? Dad offered me a hundred bucks for it. But then he remembered he couldn't wear anything flannel with it, because it's a whole outfit.
My future's so bright...
I think the great composer Cory Hart said it best when he said "I wear my sun glasses at night, so I can, so I can hide". You would also be inclined to hide if you were attached against your will to a man who refuses to wear anything other than flannel and refuses to shave whenever he is not at work.
Fortunately, I look freaking awesome in these sunglasses.
All bundled up
I have recently discovered the hoodie. Although I complain a lot when Mom puts the layers on, I really like having long sleeves to suck on. I have also chosen three pictures for this post which represent my mood cycles during the ongoing sleeping strike, disintersted, adorable, and pissed. Can you guess which is which? These pictures were taken approximately 35 seconds apart.
Fun with Grandma Josie
I got a recent visit from my Grandma Josie while Dad was fishing with Uncle Sean. We had a lot of fun, although Grandma tried to help Mom end my sleeping strike (tried being the operative word, now entering my third week!). Don't let my yawn fool you though, I showed them both who is in charge.
You may have also noticed significant changes in me since my last post. For instance, I am wearing overalls now. And losing my hair, just like daddy! I am also freakin huge. I told the editors they should have posted before I turned 3, but they keep insisting that nobody would miss the posts. Clearly, my my strike is having its desired effect on their mental capacities.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Happy birthday to me!
Today is my 3 month birthday! I have matured a great deal during the past few months. For one thing, I no longer provide my parents with daily "showers" during diaper changes. For old times sake though, I decided to surprise Mom this afternoon. Unfortunately, I lost my pants in the process. Thank goodness the cool Chicago onesie from my friends Kyle and Tiff made it!
Mom has been putting these weird things on my feet since the weather got cooler. I can't quite figure out what they are, but it's fun to kick them off and watch her scramble to find them.
I spent my birthday doing some of my favorite activities -- staring at myself in the mirror, doing some tummy time, climbing on Mom, and getting walked in the Ergo.
More Fall fashions
I asked my Mom to get me some jeans to wear in the cooler temps. Unfortunately, she thought that just because I am 3 months old, I would wear the 3-6 month jeans. She should know better after lifting me numerous times a day. What you can't tell from these pics is that the jeans refused to snap over my well-fed belly. At least my hip sweatshirt (courtesy of my friend Chris P. -- thank you!) still fits.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Battle for Connor
As many of you are aware, my allegiances are somewhat divided between my mom and my dad, and their chosen college football teams. So of course last Saturday the battle for my heart was fought on the gridiron of South Bend. As it turns out, neither team endeared themselves to me, and my final statement was made by urinating all over both onesies. Go Cal Poly!!! A live blog of pictures of me is below, as I endured the game...
Also, special thanks to my cousin Kellan for the butt-kicking chair with my name on it. And spelled correctly, nonetheless.
OK! Ready to roll! Kickoff time in South Bend, and mom wins the battle to start the outfit war. Seriously, how butt kicking is this chair? As you can tell, I dig it.
Dayne Crist leads the Irish down the field for an opening score! And gets poked in the eye by an enterprising young man matriculating from UofM in the general studies department. This was taken shortly after the true freshman replacement threw his first pick...
And this was taken after about another two hours of the game. I don't know if it was the beers, or if it was the snoozer of a first half, but it is almost certainly this unbelievably comfortable chair. I will see you all when I wake up...
Also, special thanks to my cousin Kellan for the butt-kicking chair with my name on it. And spelled correctly, nonetheless.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Nap time
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Early to bed, early to rise
I have heard the complaints from my followers -- the frequency of adorable pictures posted leaves much to be desired. I hate to pass the buck, but my ghost writers have not been keeping up. During a recent trip to the local coffee shop, I briefly considered approaching one of the hipsters on a laptop about becoming my new ghost writer. Because I was being "worn" in a sling by one of my ghost writers, however, I thought those employment conversations could get awkward. Instead, I decided to move up my bedtime to give my ghost writers some time to work (leaving them, of course, with detailed instructions). Below are some images of what my parents experience in getting me to sleep.
Posing with Aunt Bryn
Hugs for Aunt Maggie
I recently had the chance to spend some time cuddling and napping with my Aunt Maggie. She makes a heck of a pillow, and I cannot wait for more frequent cuddles when she arrives (via Amtrak from Montana!) in a couple of months.
Challenge accepted
Those of you that follow my cousins' blog, the Chronicles of Brendan and Lainey, may have seen Lainey's attempt to out-cute me. Nice try, cuz.
Baby burrito, with a side of smiles
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