Welcome to Connor's State of Grace, the new evolution of Connor's Corner, covering the ongoing adventures of Connor and his new baby sister Grace, the mystifying lack of satisfying ethnic food in Grand Rapids, MI and, as always, how awesome breast milk tastes.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Farmer Connor
Auntie Maggie got me these unbelievably cute overhauls because, well, to be honest dear readers, with the size of my milk belly and extra padding from the cloth diapers, I can't sit up in any regular jeans. Not enough room for everything that has to have a place. Needless to say, I am in love with my overalls, and they have quickly risen to among the top cuteness rated clothes I have, even among all the other super cute clothes my friends and relatives have been nice enough to give me. Such a lucky boy indeed, thanks Mags!

My final sauce
Auntie Pamela!
Chewing Momma!
Some ink has already been spilled in honor of the greatest Christmas present ever given, the plastic stacking cups which are now never far from my hands (and therefore, my mouth). Mom and dad are constantly treated to the wonderful sight of me trying to jam cups of various sizes into my mouth from various angles, and, as you can see from the below, sometimes more than one at a time. But see if you aren't hungry for a little plastic after viewing the below...
Me and daddy enjoy some day-after Christmas playtime. Sorry ladies, he already taken...
Movin on up!
Mom and dad remember a time when they had to put a receiving blanket around my head to keep it supported, and when my feet did not go much past the big red release button on the car seat our dear friends the Skony's were nice enough to loan us! (What up Nora?!? You looked totally cute last week.) Needless to say, once our family trip to Mexico in a couple weeks is over, so to is my time in the infant car seat. Big boy convertible Throne for me! The color scheme mom ordered is call "Opus Grey", I think as a tribute to dad's Catholic heritage, it narrowly beat out "Camooflauge" (a cross between spotted cow and military fatigue), dad's first choice.

Holy guacamole!
This post is dedicated to Gramp Geary, who is perhaps the world's greatest aficionado of "Mr. Yuck-Face" pictures. It is in loving tribute to him that the following, and tons and tons of pictures to follow, are posted.

I love me some avocado -- on my shirt, my hands, my face, and yes, sometimes even in my mouth! We understand poor cousin Lainey is missing out on the solid food train, does that mean I get to eat her food too? Cause third and fourth portions are the norm around our house!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Christmas Monkey!!!
Talk about your jumbo-sized apology posts! Better tell Phyllis to hold your calls for a while, cause we will not stop rockin the cute! Me and the editors headed out to Momma's hometown of Polson, MT for Christmas, and man, was it something. While I demonstrated that I am NOT a fan of sleeping in the same room as the 'rents, I also demonstrated that I am the cutest member of either extended family, Uncle Jake included (but maybe not with the moustache). You will, no doubt, enjoy the below bevy of yuletide cuteness.
Grandma Nancy/Grandma Josie/Nana/Ninna and Great Grandma Janice knitted me this outrageously cute hat and scarf, which I love! Apologies to all those who got a spoiler of this picture on the facebook, (and then stole to post it on their own profiles, GUK!), but hey, we could post this picture once a week from here on out and would expect nothing other than gratitude!
So wait, I have to wait another 364 days before being showered with gifts like this again? Oh, my birthday? Fair enough. June 16 in case anyone was wondering.
Ready for some Nordic Combined!
See, I don't need props to be cute.
I spent a TON of time in MT with Grandma Josie/Nana/Ninna, and loved every minute of it, even though what I was supposed to refer to her as seemed to change every couple of minutes. Though he is not pictured here, I also got to meet Uncle Roche (pronounced "Rocky"), and was tremendously impressed by his moustache and voracious appetite for Harry Potter. Roche is SUPER awesome, and I am so excited to go out to Colorado Springs to visit him and Ninna sometime soon!
Dad figured out the reason that every child (from him on down) has a set of these stacking rings is that they are hugely entertaining for children, apparently. Not that I have any interest in stacking, it is the UN-stacking that gets me every time. Also, the only thing better to chew on than the top ring (new and improved with rattling balls!) is the big yellow center pole. We also got a variation of this with a pastry theme to the rings from our dear friends the Potters.
But of course, I would be remiss if I said that ANY of the above was half as cool as chewing the wrapping paper. It isn't. If only mom and dad had packed some of that to bring back with us!
The day started for us at Grampa Jack's house. Baby's first Christmas? Well, actual Christmas was about my third Christmas, after Gearschutz and everything. (No, of course the editors forgot their camera for Gearschutz, did you think I was dealing with competent professionals here?) Nonetheless, love and joy came to me, and a good amount of wassail came to my parents from what I can tell, and a great time was had in the hinterlands of northwest Montana. I was the happy (if unaware) recipient of far and away the most gifts of anyone at either the Liebschutz or Lindsey celebrations, which led to some awesome new toys for me and some packing challenges for the parents. Thanks SO much for all the generous and thoughtful gifts, I believe I have now personally drooled on each of them, and could not be happier!
Momma picked out the greatest gift ever, BPA free stacking cups! They are cylinders! of various sizes! Open on one end! And EXTREMELY chewable. Lightweight, small, and immediately attention consuming, these have already been bounced off the floors of nearly every establishment in Wicker Park.
Man in Hat
We have heard the bitching and the howling, and we acknowledge your frustrations. The editors keep promising me that as soon as life settles down a little, they will start churning out the cute again, but, if you ask me, there is nothing more important than disseminating my adorableness to the four corners of the Internet. As an apology, rather than working blue like our beloved cousins at the chronicles, we are going to go with the world's cutest baby in the world's cutest (three year old sized) hat. Enjoy, we promise more to follow...

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