Friday, December 28, 2012

My Best Pal

A few weeks ago, my mommy asked me if my friend Sammy from school was my best pal.  I said no (no offense Sammy).  Then she asked me who my best pal was.  I said Gramp.  Right away, without any reservations.  Then she asked if she was my best pal.  And I said kind of.  Right away, without any reservation.  As you can see from the above (apologies, OLD) video, there is good reason for the choice.

The Music Man

Dear Readers, if there are any of you left out there, if you have not seen me lately, perhaps the most notable development in my life over the last few months has been an intense love of music.  Especially making music (or pretending to).  A few months back I caught Dad watching a new video of one of his favorite artists, Josh Ritter, where my (Ed. Note: now best) friend Josh plays a shiny brown guitar and sings a song.  And I have not had too much interest in anything else (other than kicking balls, that is still way awesome) since.  We have explored the end result of obsession in a previous post, my very own shiny brown stringed guitar for me to play and sing along with.  But we here at the Corner did not want to neglect the last several months of "rockin out!!!" to which my parents have been subject.  (Ed Note: we don't know how to link to spotify songs in a blog, but if you would like an authentic soundtrack for reviewing this post, please play Josh Ritter's "Kathleen" or Old Crow Medicine Show's "Wagon Wheel", and pretend it is being sung by a two and a half year old who does not know what most of the words mean, but knows most of the words.  Either that or pretend a two and a half year old and a four year old are constantly shouting "ROCKIN OUT" over and over again at the top of their lungs while banging on things.  That works too.  Love you cousin Brendan!!!).
 The piano may not be our most frequent choice, but it probably is the loudest.
 This was our main choice of instrument prior to the arrival of the guitar with strings.  It is a Rock Band Guitar, which of course only has a paddle to strum.  But it is shiny and brown, and plenty good for imagining.
 Had at work on some tracks in the studio.
 We seem to find guitars everywhere we go...

Suffering for our art.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ax Man

Robert Johnson.  Woody Guthrie.  Bob Dylan.  Bruce Springsteen.  Connor Geary.  Every generation passes the torch to the next, and since Santa came early to Ada due to Delta Airlines baggage restrictions, the torch stopped by Connor's house late last week.  We got a String Guitar!  Not a strap yet, unfortunately, but babysteps.  You can also see in the foreground of several of these pictures the trampoline which Grandpersons the Pats gave us (which Santa assembled along with our guitar and sweet scooter (not pictured since we moved way too fast on it)).  Needless to say, despite the editors wholly unreasonable policy of no guitar in the crib we spend virtually every waking hour with this beaut in hand.  And yes, in case you were concerned, we got a harmonica for Christmas as well.  Rainy Day Woman #36 and 54 here we come!!!

We're Sending you BACK, to the FUTURE!

As an editor can be wont to be of a Christmas afternoon, we here at the Corner are feeling a little nostalgic.  And as we have just plugged our memory card into an unfamiliar computer and got random photos from the last two and a half years downloaded as a reward, we now offer a study in what a difference (two) years make! We have included some pics from 2010, 2011 and this morning below, and it is nice to see that the one thing that never changes is my parents reluctance to get my freakin hair cut already.  That, and my indescribable cuteness.

 2011, REALLY good and enthusiastic at opening presents, not great at standing.

 Rico.  Suave. In Robot PJs.

 2012, Connor the Christmas Elf.  He not only delivered almost every present, he also helped open almost every present.
Thanks GG! We were excited enough about this to stand still for a picture.
 2010! (Ed. Note: if we were good enough at blogging to get these pictures in appropriate order, we would do it more often)  Still really enthusiastic about opening presents.

 Still really stinkin cute.

White Christmas (Eve)

Merry Christmas Everybody!!! As we are currently creatures of leisure out on Vacay in Montana, we decided to fire up the old blog and let you know what we look like now!  I am sure you are thrilled!  Anyway, after a relatively well behaved Odyssey out here (save a naked, ten-minute meltdown in a Minneapolis airport men's room when dad tried to change us out of our pjs (we left in the pjs, but at least with a fresh diaper)), we have been maxin and relaxin.  We gave a shot at sleeping in a big boy bed (we bought a crib and assembled it before nap time the second day); we opened enough toys to make mom and dad wonder if they will be able to bring any clothes back home; and we went SLEDDING!!! Snow is awesome when it involves traveling down hills at velocity or throwing at dad.  But is NOT cool when thrown at us, no matter how gently.  We shall learn.  Anyway, tons of family fun out here; love and miss all but you are all remembered warmly during what is rapidly turning into a three hour nap this afternoon.  Grandpa getting us a trampoline can have that effect after all...

 Yes, that is a real Tepee in back.  We are after all in Montana.
 Enough with the pictures, lets get going downhill.
 This picture is not deceiving at all.  I pulled dad all around the yard in the sled.
This is basically our only family picture in the last two years.  And again, Tepee!!! Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

More Petting Zoo!

Seriously, we were really cute today and, as we have mentioned, we brought the camera today.  Pictured with us here are some Pygmy goats, and, more importantly, a new friend, Zoe, who was also licked by the mommy cow, and who were were sharing a bit of a mutual toddler crush.  Of course the editors harshed my game, so I was unable to secure the digits, but at least I will always have the pictures...

More Pumpkins!

We actually remembered to bring the camera to the pumpkin patch, so we have a bunch of pics we thought we should share!  Enjoy!

Return of the Manny

 What, you say, could be so important that the editors would dust off this old gem?  Why, the return of our favorite caregiver, Uncle Kevin!  While we sure loved UK when he would come and visit from his home in distant California, nothing beats having him here in Grand Rapids for good!!!  UK has recently secured employment at a museum not far from GR, but lets not fool ourselves, his whole raison d'etre is now hanging out with me!

The pictures below are from our trip today to the Pumpkin Patch out in Lowell, where we HOUSED some pumpkin donuts, picked out some pumpkins, climbed some hay bales and, as pictured below, toured the petting zoo!  I got licked by a mommy cow!  UK, way more brave that the editors, was willing to pet the creepy (buy camera shy) miniature horse.  UK appreciated a full immersion back into the Midwestern lifestyle, and we were so happy to have him back with us!  Welcome home UK!!!