Friday, August 13, 2010

Funnest Day Ever?

Faithful readers, I know what you are thinking. If July 24, 2010 was the most fun day of your (admittedly brief) life, why would you wait so long to blog about it? And really, as you gain additional awareness of your surroundings every day, isn't EVERY day the most fun day of your life? Well, folks, those are good questions. To answer the first, I know it is a poor workman who blames his tools... but seriously, is there a better description for my parents when it comes to transcribing my brilliance? These chubby fingers make keyboarding frankly impossible.

But enough excuses. My day was supposed to start out with the long awaited visit of Matt and Liz Korte, these people my Dad is always talking about but who I never seem to meet. But then they got caught in the great Milwaukee downspurt of 2010 (not to be confused with the great Milwaukee downspurt of 198X, also known as the one where a sodden (in more ways than one) Great Aunt Shelia eternally humiliated Great Uncle Kevin at Irish Fest, but I digress). So instead my parents welcomed a steady stream of visitors, from Dad's college roommate Jonny, who hung around until after returning friends Brian and Becca showed up, who hung around for a while with Paul, Hiranda and Ella, who were good enough to hang around long enough for the arrival of our favorite Turks, the newly married Christian and Ceylan! It was so much fun, and I behaved while some of the above held me, and Dad took so many pictures that he forgot to take any pictures at all. Which means there is very little of this blog's reason for existence on this post. Oops! But we had such a great time with so many wonderful friends, I can't wait to do it again (and try some of those Goose Island Summertimes I keep hearing so much about). I do have these to share:

Documentation of Christian's first experience holding any child of any kind. Perhaps there was a reason no one else's parent's let him hold their kid...

I am kidding, he was awesome! And here is a picture of me with the happy couple, newly returned from their wedding and honeymoon in Turkey, Spain and the south of France. As a note, I generally try to only have people as cute as I am in pictures that get posted on the blog, so needless to say I am very, very happy for the return of these two munchkins!

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