One more tribute to my sweet south of the border paramour. That hat, those polka dots, the sun seems to shine right off of her, does it not. Also, special shout out to her dad, Paul, unexpectedly appearing as "that guy" to the right of this photo.

My dad said this picture typifies our experience in Mexico. He is found of stupid little idioms like that (Ed. Note: Guilty as Charged). He said the composition of this with the beer in the foreground, and my mom almost appearing to look hungrily at it while she is obviously responsible for dipping my precious person in the pool water, really plays on the duality of a supposedly romantic/adventurous/inebriated trip south of the border, when taken with a 7 month old and a 2 year old. Whatever that means. Anyway, he gets a kick out of it... Also, again, Paul's face.

It really was a lovely condo complex we stayed in. Mexico ain't half bad.

And here our photographer decided to comment on the partial story told by the few pictures of this vacation with the shot of Ella here... oh hell, who are we kidding, its poorly composed, but I really liked playing like this in the water, and here is some photographic proof. Hope you have enjoyed our trip to Mexico as much as we did...
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