Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goodbye G.G.!!!

Certainly the most difficult part for me leaving the greatest city in the world has been losing my weekly play date with Great Grandma Nancy, also known around these parts as G.G. She was so wonderful, accomidating, and willing to snuggle up with twenty pounds of squirmy, drooly goofus, I don't know how I will ever be able to replace her. Fortunately she has promised to come up to visit frequently, and until the editors find a sucker to unload our condo on, we are likley to be back to the Chi fairly frequently. Until we get to see you again G.G., know that I love and miss you!!!

Gettin Ready for Ole' Mexico

Patient, faithful readers, we here at Connor's Corner are once again deeply sorry to have gotten caught up in living our own lives (and moving, and starting new jobs, and being buried under snow) and once again having left you without proper cuteness boosters to get you through the end of the winter (not valid for those reading in California or Florida). We are so far backlogged that we need to go way back to January to enjoy these pictures of me showing off the latest in floppy hat fashions for keeping a boy save from the evil Mexican sun. (We have since been and come back, but don't worry, we picked up plenty of natural sunscreen to go along with the hats, which along with protecting against burns doubles as a pretty convincing ghost costume come Halloween time). Faithful readers of the blog will be unsurprised to see the natural ability of our subject as a model, but just because excellence is common here doesn't make it any less spectacular.

Winter Fashions

We don't mess around here in the Midwest when it comes to weather. You might be aware that we hit about 20 below last week, and it is supposed to hit 60 above at the end of this week. Ain't weather funny? Regardless, we are prepared for whatever it is, from stylin red down to royal blue fleece. And super awesome boots. Not that I am ever outside for more than a couple of minutes in this kind of weather, but I sure am toasty!

Eatin Machine

So, turns out I am pretty much just a garbage disposal. My parents are struggling to find foods I DONT like. There was a brief day or so where I was suspicious of mango, but that was mostly because, are you kidding me?, who thinks you can get a good mango in Chicago in the middle of winter? Not me. Peas, Green Beans, anything orange, yogurt, even broccoli, HOOK IT UP! I think my favorite is pears mixed with full fat Greek yogurt, the problem is momma usually downs it all before I can get any! Regardless, I love me some eating, so in honor of my solid food binges, I enclose the below series of Mr. Yuck Face pictures. Can't wait to start showing it to Gramps in person!!!

Spring is in the air!

Or not! Due to preparations for the move to Mother Mitten, as pops keeps referring to it, and a well deserved trip to Mexico (more on that to follow), these pictures were taken substantially before the lovely thaw we are currently experiencing in Chicago. You couldn't tell from the attitude of the editors, who one day in January figured out I was finally old enough to ride the baby swing. And it was Awesome! But oh so cold! Good thing my goofy fleece snow suit keeps me warm, if not as able to see as I might always like. It is super cute, and its super fun to try and get my mouth on the swing chains (dad tried to explain something to me about the movie "The Christmas Story", but I just ignored him and continued to try), but here's hoping my folks wise up and find a park in Grand Rapids we can visit when you can see the grass again...



Delicious Faces

You know what is delicious? Faces. I particularly love Momma's face, especially when Daddy grows what he refers to as a "Defensive Beard". Nothing makes me happier than grabbing some hair, yanking towards myself as hard as I can and gnawing as long as I am allowed. Be forewarned if you stop by!

Anatomy of a Heist

Doesn't daddy think he is SOOOO cute with giving me zerbits on my multiple chins and making me giggle like a goofus. Well, he is pretty cute, but no good deed goes unpunished!

Dad has lost his vigilance while entranced by chewing on my chin, I see my chance...

And take it! He has realized my diabolical plot, but is far too late to do anything about it!!!

A Clean escape! Perhaps the greatest crime ever committed! All the sap can do is try and distract me with more zerbits.

To the victors go the spoils, all the old man can do is sit back and admire my cunning, deft touch and audacity.


Since I learned to sit up a couple months ago, I have spent a lot of time undertaking the very important task of carefully examining my toys. Mom or Dad fills up one of my toy baskets, and then I pull out each toy, look it over, make sure it tastes okay, and pile it up around me. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but it is this kind of attention to detail, and flavor, that helps keep America safe from the Terrorists.