Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Family bed

Mom and Dad aren't generally big on the family bed -- something about me constantly flailing and squeaking. But on weekend mornings, they let me nap in there. I think it's mainly because they're too lazy to get out of bed, but I'm not complaining. I particularly like cuddling with my dad on those mornings.

That's right ladies, Mom gets to wake up to this every day. Please don't murder her in a jealous rage, unless you can provide me with 16 square meals a day.


Many of you may have heard my mom complain about my constant desire to suck (not in the way that the Detroit Tigers suck, but like a vacuum). I spent the first 8 weeks of my life spending most of my time attached to Mom, and trying to substitute my fist for Mom when she cruelly cut me off. This resulted in a lot of punches to the forehead, cheek, and chin, but finally, I have succeeded! Mom tells me that the thumb can separate from the fist, and that I might like to suck on that, but I'm still skeptical. I also have some learning about sharing to do, sometimes I am talented enough to get BOTH fists to my mouth at once, but can't quite get both in my mouth! This generally leads to no fists winding up in my mouth, which does suck like the Tigers.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Who's Cuter?

Question faithful readers, who's cuter, me, or Uncle Jake freshly returned from the Orient? Trick Question! We are equally cute. Me in an actually adorable kind of way, and Jake in a homeless itinerant kind of way. But Oh, did I ever so much enjoy the chance to meet him. And, as you are going to see in the upcoming posts from our Montana trip, he sure does clean up NICE. Again, not as nice as me, but, seriously, it's way better.

This marks the first in our series of Montana posts, since everyone on the Geary side of the fam is going to be deeply engrossed in the Chronicles of Narnia or LuLu or whatever (WELCOME COUSIN LAINEY!!!), so marketing to the Lindseys and Liebschutzes should work out pretty well. Enjoy!!!

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My Most Faithful Companion

Many of you, my dear readers, are lucky enough to know G.G. Not as lucky as I am. I have had no more true companions in these my first 10 weeks (other than maybe the milk lady). G.G. is so good about calling to stay in the loop on my developments, and is so absurdly generous as to drive in to pick me and mom up and accompany us to our pediatrician appointments! Believe you me, when someone dislikes car trips as much as I do, an extra set of hands is an absolute G-D send. Especially because the other party I can't mention because I am in some contenious litigation with them feels so entitled to my Dad's time, and doesn't let him leave work to come with us. I am so grateful that she has been so good to me, and can't wait to see her again soon!
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Restraining Order Time

Seriously faithful readers, it's as if the ADT system the folks installed before I came has no effect at all whatsoever. Whoever our mysterious paparazzo is has once again snuck in and snapped surreptitious pictures of me at my cutest. I think what upsets me the most is not the loss of privacy, but rather the loss of revenue from my modeling contracts.

As a note, due to incompetent help, this post is delayed to the point where I am now nearly twice this size. I greatly appreciate the Frascas getting me this adorable outfit with the hope it could be worn for ND or UM games, but, um, it it is going to have to be worn by their soon to be born cutie. Cause sausage doesn't go far enough to describe me in it anymore!
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No Text Necessary

Some cuteness speaks for itself.
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Happy Birthday G.G!!!

A few weeks ago I had the profound pleasure of helping my dear Great Grandma Nancy (G.G., as she is casually known around here) celebrate her 85th birthday. It was an extra special weekend, because I also got to meet my Grandpa Jack, Grandma Michele, Aunt Maggie, Great Aunt Ann, Great Uncle Mike and Cousins, Cousins, Cousins!!! It was so wonderful, and I was pretty good, especially when we got stuck in traffic on the way home, when no one else in the car would have known how vexing being stuck in traffic was had I not made sure to remind them, at the top of my lungs, for the entirety of the time we were delayed. I tried so hard I threw up! That's how my parent's know I love them, I make sure they are always in the loop.

Grandpa Jack and G.G. Such a charming lady, and such a tasty lunch. There was even delicious desserts, which pops DEVOURED. Again, helping out the folks by frankly observing their behavior.
G.G.'s cousin Jack Ringer, world traveler, raconteur, and map enthusiast. Also, like Grandpa Jack, a beard enthusiast. He is hanging out with Great Aunt Ann, who came all the way in from Maryland to see me and G.G. What a lovely lady!

Seriously, how much does pops rock? Get it, pop rocks? I am not sure even my dad was alive when those were popular.

Double Trouble: I got to meet my twin cousins (to some degree or another), and marvel at both their adorable sartorial sense and their exceptional coordination (numerous thumb sucking blogs to follow). I was totally charmed by these two, for the twenty minutes I was awake at the event.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fun with the Lindsey cousins

Mom's Uncle Brad, Aunt Arden, and cousins Rachel, Morgan, Tanner, and Kate all came to see us in Montana. I was quite impressed with Tanner's and Kate's abilities to sit up by themselves and crawl, as well as Morgan's boundless energy. Here I am with Tanner and Kate in between outfit changes and with all the Lindsey cousins.

If anyone is looking for spokesbabies, we offer a family rate...

Seriously, how are we not selling something? This is the cutest picture ever.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Visit from GUK and GAS

My GUK (Great Uncle Kevin) and GAS (Great Aunt Sheila) -- fresh off a lengthy car trip to visit GUT (Great Uncle Tim) and GAA (Great Aunt Alma) in Montreal -- were good enough to make the trip to Chicago even though they had already spent way too much time together on their international travels. They were just as entertaining as Mom and Dad promised.

GUK, GAS and I spent enough quality time together for them to learn that I am the rooting-est, tooting-est baby in the West.

Turns out, GAS didn't have anything for me to eat in there, but I thought I'd give it a look.

Friendliest baby on the block

For those of you who haven't seen me lately, I have added frequent smiles and cooing to my list of activities. I had fun torturing Mom by turning off the grins every time she brought out the camera, but I decided to finally cut her a break.

The Man (and Wife), The Myth, the Legend...

Matt and Liz Korte! Matt and Liz Korte! Matt and Liz Korte! Whooo Hoooo!!! The day after they had planned, once the flood waters receded from beautiful suburban Milwaukee, Matt and Liz came down and joined us for a lovely brunch, and my parents could not have been more pleased. The same, as you can see below, goes for me. Doesn't this guy just look like a dad? (apologies for the lack of Liz pictures, we promise to remedy next time Matt is willing to let someone else hold me for a change...)

Funnest Day Ever?

Faithful readers, I know what you are thinking. If July 24, 2010 was the most fun day of your (admittedly brief) life, why would you wait so long to blog about it? And really, as you gain additional awareness of your surroundings every day, isn't EVERY day the most fun day of your life? Well, folks, those are good questions. To answer the first, I know it is a poor workman who blames his tools... but seriously, is there a better description for my parents when it comes to transcribing my brilliance? These chubby fingers make keyboarding frankly impossible.

But enough excuses. My day was supposed to start out with the long awaited visit of Matt and Liz Korte, these people my Dad is always talking about but who I never seem to meet. But then they got caught in the great Milwaukee downspurt of 2010 (not to be confused with the great Milwaukee downspurt of 198X, also known as the one where a sodden (in more ways than one) Great Aunt Shelia eternally humiliated Great Uncle Kevin at Irish Fest, but I digress). So instead my parents welcomed a steady stream of visitors, from Dad's college roommate Jonny, who hung around until after returning friends Brian and Becca showed up, who hung around for a while with Paul, Hiranda and Ella, who were good enough to hang around long enough for the arrival of our favorite Turks, the newly married Christian and Ceylan! It was so much fun, and I behaved while some of the above held me, and Dad took so many pictures that he forgot to take any pictures at all. Which means there is very little of this blog's reason for existence on this post. Oops! But we had such a great time with so many wonderful friends, I can't wait to do it again (and try some of those Goose Island Summertimes I keep hearing so much about). I do have these to share:

Documentation of Christian's first experience holding any child of any kind. Perhaps there was a reason no one else's parent's let him hold their kid...

I am kidding, he was awesome! And here is a picture of me with the happy couple, newly returned from their wedding and honeymoon in Turkey, Spain and the south of France. As a note, I generally try to only have people as cute as I am in pictures that get posted on the blog, so needless to say I am very, very happy for the return of these two munchkins!

Gone Fishin'

Apologies for yet another delay in blogging faithful readers, the mountain air has done wonders for my napping and done a number on my blogging ethic. Many, many updates to follow.
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Peace Offering

We here at Connor's Corner know that taking two weeks off from our blogging responsibilities is bound to hose a lot of our faithful readers off. Thats why we are breaking out the nuclear option of cuteness in our triumphant return post. While this will ensure that I am never elected to public office, to show how much you all mean to me, please enjoy some naked tummy time.