Friday, October 29, 2010

Mr. Blue Eyes

You find yourself with an overwhelming urge to find out who makes these moose/fleece pajamas and buy some for yourself, don't you? This is the power of blue steel, which is the new "look" I have been practicing for the spring catalogue modeling season [Editor's note: Zoolander, which came out while my parents were in college, is still a topical joke reference. Deal with it.].

You may notice that I have opted for a shorter hairstyle than previously, well, perhaps opted is not the right choice of words, as I did not have much choice in the matter, but I am cool with it cause now my hair is falling out just like dad's! Though mine is gonna grow back in...

Nonetheless, I went to my 4 month appointment with the pediatrician this week, and got some good news -- he says I will be keeping these blue eyes for good! Watch out ladies... This means I can keep working on my Magnum look, which, I can assure you, is GLORIOUS! [Ed: yes, second Zoolander reference. Quiet down or we start making tragic gasoline fight accident jokes.]
For the stats junkies out there, I am currently standing (quite frequently with minimal help) at 26 1/4" tall and tipping the scales at an impressive 15 lbs 15 ozs, well, after my third breakfast this morning almost certainly an even 16 lbs.

The Force is Strong with This One

As part of the negotiated settlement ending the sleep strike, I demanded that I get to sleep in the big bed upstairs and my parents would take the crib from now on. That did not wind up happening, but I did get rights to play in (and spit up all over) their bed in the morning, especially when momma does not want to get up as early as I do. (5:30 is fine with Grandpas Pat and Jack, I don't see what her problem is...). Anyway, momma dressed me up in my "jedi/banana republic" gear, so here I am using my force powers to convince mom that the 2:30 nap is optional.

Just hanging out

In case you have been wondering what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks instead of posting (KYLE!), well, you are looking at it! With the great Indian Summer weather around Chicago, I have been maxin, relaxin, and sitting up like a big boy!

You will also be happy to know that, for the moment at least, the "editors" have conceded to my demands of "Irishing Up" my coffee on the weekends, and so THE SLEEP STRIKE HAS ENDED IN A GREAT VICTORY! [Editor's Note: it had nothing to do with sleep training, sure buddy.] Needless to say, the bright cheeriness of a well rested baby has about overwhelmed my parents, and they are just way to selfish to share it with you all, faithful readers!

Fun with the Pats

Grandpa Pat and Grandma Patty were here to visit me recently. We had a lot of fun while Mom and Dad got some extra sleep. I used to wonder where dad got all of his wierd mannerisms and expressions from, but this weekend seems to have cleared all that up.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Photo shoot

I was feeling a little generous this morning (after keeping my parents up all night last night VIVA THE SLEEPING STRIKE!), so I decided to sit for a photo shoot with Mom. Here are a few favorites.

I've recently discovered that I love sticking out my tongue.

Privately to cousins Lainey and Brendan: This is how it is done. BooYa!

Growing up

When Mom was pregnant, she and Dad spent a lot of time researching strollers. They finally decided on one that had a bassinet attachment. Mom tells me she had visions of herself taking long walks around the neighborhood with her sweet sleeping newborn in the bassinet. Silly woman! She soon learned that I did NOT enjoy riding around the neighborhood flat on my back with nothing to look at. A few weeks ago, Dad replaced the bassinet with the stroller seat, which I have been enjoying (for short periods, mind you).

This morning, Mom and Dad decided to amuse themselves by trying to figure out how much I've grown. As you can see, I now touch both ends off the bassinet, so my days in this thing are officially over. This is also the happiest I have ever been in the bassinet, so a good ending all around.

Modesty is the Best Policy

I was a little skeptical at first, but now I love my nightly bath. It gives me a chance to suck on my fists and practice grabbing toys with my feet -- two of my favorite activities.

I've included a photo from my first bath, which demonstrates l how I felt about it for those of you that never got the chance to see (and hear!) it in person. And yes, that is the same tub as in the pictures above. My head fills out the head rest a little better now.