Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9 Months Old!

Yes, this is a wagon, which, yes, I walk behind on my own. Sometimes.

I turned 9 months old last week! I failed to post on my actual birthday because 9 months brought on the first illness of my short life, and I spent the afternoon covering myself and Mama with my lunch. Luckily, it didn't last long, and I was back to my antics in no time -- mainly standing on stuff.

I also went to my new doctor this week. I am now 20.5 lbs and 29.5 inches long, or 50th percentile for weight and 90th for length. Could that really mean half of American babies have bigger rolls than these? Hard to believe.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Embrace the Madness

Perhaps the best thing about our move back to Mother Mitten has been the abundance of time we have been able to spend with our cousins Brendan, Kellan and Lainey (with more to come this weekend!!!) With that great privilege, however, comes great chaos, as the four of us tend to turn any space into a screaming madhouse within seconds of gathering. The pictures below are from Special K's second birthday party at Uncle Sean's friend Julie's house, and we are super grateful that she is kind and full of grace, because damn, that's a lot of rugrats (not to mention seven or eight dogs). As you can see, the editors' technology was not nearly up to keeping up with the blur of us post-millennials, but then again neither are the editors.

Gratuitous Cutidity

Dear readers, you can tell this picture is old. How So? I only have two teeth in it! As of this morning's check I was up to five (with all three new additions coming in on top), but given the bounty of skin on display, I didn't want to deprive all the Corner Kids out there just because this pic is a little outdated!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

[Too Proud for Glib Title]

As you know from time to time we here at the Corner have been too overwhelmed by a picture to provide much commentary, and have been forced to let the images speak for themselves (which, even the editors must admit, they do exceptionally well). All I can say here is that yes, that is a shacket, and no, I have never been prouder of my offspring than I am looking at this picture.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Perhaps the most wonderful part about my family's move to Grand Rapids (and it isn't the bagels, I can tell you that) is the fact that me and my new best friend, cousin Lainey Beland, get to hang out all the time now! She is the coolest, even if she doesn't have a ton of hair, and tends to wear mostly pink. She is quite a trend setter; when she is playing with a toy I just HAVE to have one, in fact I have to have hers, and she is a great sport for having whatever it is she finds interesting ripped out of her hands.

Here are some action shots of the two of us getting re-acquainted at our good friend Samantha Jandernoa's house. Sam's a little older, but she totally lets us chew on her toys, so it is all good.

Checking cousin Lainey's ocular cavity strength and stability...

Running with Cousin Lainey from the international conspiracy that is trying to force us to eat mango and kiwi for lunch...

Awwww, cousin huggin...

Standing Around

Many of my faithful readers have been wondering just what is up with the DEARTH of new posts lately? What is wrong, you have asked, with these editors? I can assure you that the volume of my adorable antics has not diminished. They keep citing these "life changing events" as an excuse for the lack of Cornering that has been going on, well I tell you it is inexcusable. Condo selling (and yes, a contract has been signed), rental living, car buying, multiple tooth cutting (four, count 'em!), entire life rejiggering, none of these would stop the mail (even though we are still waiting on a mountain of it to be forwarded), and none of it should stop the blogging.

Nonetheless, my smart aleck answer to the question of what have you been doing instead of posting new entertainments for us? Just standing around... being adorable.