Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bathing Beauties, A Continuation of our Adventures in Mexico

One more tribute to my sweet south of the border paramour. That hat, those polka dots, the sun seems to shine right off of her, does it not. Also, special shout out to her dad, Paul, unexpectedly appearing as "that guy" to the right of this photo.
My dad said this picture typifies our experience in Mexico. He is found of stupid little idioms like that (Ed. Note: Guilty as Charged). He said the composition of this with the beer in the foreground, and my mom almost appearing to look hungrily at it while she is obviously responsible for dipping my precious person in the pool water, really plays on the duality of a supposedly romantic/adventurous/inebriated trip south of the border, when taken with a 7 month old and a 2 year old. Whatever that means. Anyway, he gets a kick out of it... Also, again, Paul's face.

It really was a lovely condo complex we stayed in. Mexico ain't half bad.

And here our photographer decided to comment on the partial story told by the few pictures of this vacation with the shot of Ella here... oh hell, who are we kidding, its poorly composed, but I really liked playing like this in the water, and here is some photographic proof. Hope you have enjoyed our trip to Mexico as much as we did...

Mexico- Tales of Mi Amor

We here at Connor's Corner realize this is a family blog, but sometimes adult situations happen in a baby's (Ed. Note: now toddler's) life that bear truthful documenting, and we hope can engender a fruitful conversation between our younger readers and their responsible parents.

As discussed in our previous post, something about the sun, the surf, the gallons of alcohol our parents were drinking, just fate, really, brought me and my first love Ella together in Mexico. While I am not really the kind to kiss and tell, we feel the following is both tasteful and essential to the ongoing plot of this blog. So without further ado, I present me and Ella's roll in the hay:

Mexico Part Tres

So, as me and mom and pops were lounging by the pool, my crush to end all crushes, Ella (an older lady!) toddled over to hang out for a bit. Seriously, look at this beauty. How could I resist showing off a bit? So, I jumped up on the old man to show my physical prowess and cat like quickness. Here I am pulling a quick diversion tactic, "Hey Dad, I am gonna steal your hat!" Moron.

And here I am enjoying the fruits of my diversion, delicious, delicious sunglasses. You know Ms. Ella was impressed. Plus, Sunglasses!

Yes, dad is wearing a goofy looking hat. He forgot to bring one down with him, and had to buy one at the nearby supermarcado. I am hoping I got mostly my mom's genes.

Anyway, how could you not fall in love with this face? So you know Ella did. Proof to follow.

Mexico Part Dos

This is how we spent a large part of our vacation in Mexico, chillin on some big round deck chairs by the pool. We (ed. note: HE) were not big fans of all that surf and sand and such, but loved hanging out around the pool and snuggling up with momma and daddy in the water. This post is more so the folks at home know just how cute I looked as I was working on perfecting my sitting up on my own and not really mobile just yet. Somehow, I didn't really get a tan on this trip, but maybe next time!

Friday, July 29, 2011


So, at this point, faithful readers, to the extent there are any of you left, you are probably wondering why, exactly, this avalanche of adorable has been wrought upon you now, after so many months of nothing? Well, the editors took me on vacation to Grandpa Jacks house in Montana. And, given that dad has never really had a vacation where he was not expected to be in touch and working constantly (which is one of the perks of his new job in GR), he has some time and a strong need of accomplishment on his hands. So here we are.

The foregoing is of course, not totally true, as some of you know we took a vacation to Mexico in February just before pops announced his departure from what is casually referred to as the dark tower by the unfortunate souls who still call it their place of business. And while his superiors still expected pops to be in touch and care, he was, frankly, wholly checked out by that time. Needless to say, we had a great time with our friends Paul and Hiranda and their daughter and my first love, Ella. Many more (and better) pics will come to document it, but in keeping with the new "randomness" theme of the Corner, we thought these to be the best foot we could put forward.


You will have to forgive my Vonnegut quotes and references, now that I am 13 months old, I am reading more than just "Are You My Mother?" (But seriously, that book is great. How scary is the snort? But then its good! Retroactive spoiler alert, sorry). Anyway, these shots were taken of me at our apartment we lived in in GR while we were looking for the house we bought. Yes, we have a house now! Its awesome! This apartment was fine, but it's no house. You will notice a significantly greater amount of hair and teeth, but the same surplus of cuteness.

That's right, I am leaning on a laundry basket. So what? This was before (Proactive Spoiler Alert!) I went bipedal and took my first steps a couple days ago. A man has to start standing somewhere. This was one of my favorite activities when we first moved to GR (I was literally this excited EVERY time I did it for a while), now I would not be caught dead doing it. But the pictures don't lie, and they were too cute to delete, so, enjoy!

As Per the Above

As the editors mentioned, we are subscribing to a new format here at the Corner. The below pictures are, to the best of my recollection, of me at some point in February before we moved to Grand Rapids. You will see that I have, comparatively, a lot less hair, and substantially fewer teeth. And I am wearing PJs I grew out of before we moved. NONETHELESS, I am super cute and goofy. Enjoy.

New Found Purpose

Connor Patrick Geary has become unstuck in time. Or not really, but his blog has. We here at the Corner realize that we are not exceptionally good bloggers. Clearly, the content is there. But it isn't being disseminated. So we have decided to, as the republicans say, call a revenue generating statute a death tax and admit that the sole purpose for this blog from this point forward is not to please CPGs grandparents, as much as we like to do so, but is to act as a scrap book of our favorite little goofus. Rather than a chronological list of Connors activities, we are going to just document cute pictures and funny stories as we come across them in our now 6 month backlog of goodness. We appreciate your patience with the lack of recent content, and hope we can provide some entertainment to make up for it. And as always, thank you for your support.