Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Montana adventures

Faithful readers, per our revised mission statement and due to being way behind on posting, we are utilizing this lovely Indian Summer to remember the lovely days of actual summer and post some Montana trip pics.

You will notice the romper I am wearing, the full text is actually "crabby but cute", which is the exact correct way to describe me throughout my time in Big Sky Country. It just so happened that I was a tooth cutting MACHINE out in the American West, adding what seems like four teeth (including a pair of molars) in just over two weeks in Montana. We finished August with 6 new teeth, and for good measure added three more in September. One thing that seemed to ease my grousing was when Mom learned how to make melon sorbet from everyone's favorite convicted felon Martha Stewart. I enjoyed Grandpa Jack's and Grandma Michele's sorbet quite a bit after I polished off mine.

Here I am, giving my "picture smile." I paste that baby on whenever I see a camera coming. I learned this from the best, as many, many evidences of this type of smile can be seen on the face of young Brendan Beland on our cousin blog, the Chronicles. Still, a hard look to pull off wearing only a diaper; I feel it is safe to say I did so with panache here. You will notice I am posing with my favorite toy in the world for the length of this trip, Auntie Bryn's Ab Roller (TM). You may recall I was JUST starting to walk with regularity on this trip, and this was an excellent support/entertainment device. And yes, Bryn SWEARS it works.

Chilling in the arm chair after a long walk outside ...

I learned the downward dog position while I was in Montana, and spent a lot of practicing this yoga pose. My parents later tried to do some revisionist history and claim this was me trying to learn to stand without climbing up other objects, but in truth, I know how much yoga means to Grandpa Jack, and really wanted to share that special experience with him. Also, have you seen how big my head is? How am I supposed to lift that monster above my feet?

Just before we left for Montana, Grandma Patty taught me sign language for "more." It has become one of my favorite things to do, and I use it anytime I want anything, or am just generally unsatisfied with the state of my world. It is strange that I am unsatisfied in this instance, as I am playing with my second favorite toy in Grandpa Jack's house, his corded phone. Must be looking for more cherries.

After Dad left, Mom and I took a trip down to Missoula to celebrate Auntie Pam's birthday. We went with Pam, Charmel, Haislea, and Zephyr to enjoy lunch in the park. I believe this is currently the park being "occupied" a la the Occupy Wall Street protest, as if there weren't already enough hippies there.

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