Sunday, July 11, 2010

Green (Poopin) Machine!

As some of you may know (and as some of you may have realized from the junk in my trunk in all these pictures on the blog), mom and dad have been diapering me in cloth, both pre-folds and fancy, hi-tech pocket diapers. They are doing, needless to say, a LOT of laundry, but overall not yet having to run to the store to buy diapers has been pretty rewarding. Anyway, they asked that I run through the basics here in case any of you want to jump off the landfiller train and follow the bum genius (one of our favorite brands).
These are our pre-folds along with a "snapi", the magic Scandinavian invention which means mom and dad are not constantly sticking me with pins. Which we all appreciate. Given my rate of growth, these aren't going to last long, but they will soon be excellent burp cloths and rags. Let us know if you need any.My beloved changing pad, complete with a night's supply of pocket diapers. Since they absorb a lot better they are a much better option for nights when I will be sleeping for "up to" three hours at a time. They are certainly pricier, but a lot easier to use and oh-so stylish!

So much more than just a bidet! This is the neat little hose which attaches to the loo for cleaning my diapes of "solids" prior to washing. Also, don't know if I mentioned you can use it as a bidet.

Diaper genie it ain't. Old school diaper pail with sealing lid provides odor protection while waiting for morning processing.

Perhaps the most important piece of diapering equipment, our front loaders. Every morning these babies refresh my supply of bum covers. And for that I will be forever grateful.

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